Monday 30 September 2013

Securing DNS using DNS Forwarder Architecture

I. What is DNS Forwarder?

A DNS forwarder is a DNS in the network which used to forward queries related to public sites to external Internet DNS Servers.

II. Why DNS Forwarders?

1) Internal DNS Security
There are chances that your company users want to access a public website, which can't be resolved by the internal DNS Servers (which mainly handle records internal resources) in that case internal DNS servers will try to forward the query to extnernal DNS servers.

To provide extra security to DNS Servers, network administrators might not want Internal DNS servers to communicate directly with external Public DNS servers. We will implement a DNS server in DMZ network to communicate to external public DNS servers.Hence, you can resolve names without exposing your network to outside servers.

2) Less WAN Link Utilization

If all the Internal DNS servers start communicating to external Internet DNS servers ( which is via WAN link) the overall WAN link speed will go down. So we will just have a DMZ Network which will keep cahce of most queried extneral sites and reduce need for external queries.

III. DNS Forwarder Architecture

All Internal DNS Server should be set to forward query to Forwarder DNS Server, which is in our case hosted in DMZ Domain.
The Forwarder DNS Server should have good capacity to maintain cache to reduce external queries.
Forwarder DNS Server should be responsible for taking care of query until the query is resolved using help of External Internet DNS Servers.
(Refer to diagram to understand complete query process)


DoS = Denial Of Service

DDoS = Distributed Denial Of Service

What is the difference between the two?

Whilst DoS and DDoS sound remarkably similar there are in fact differences between the two -


This means that one computer and one internet connection is used to flood a server with packets (TCP / UDP). The point of such a denial of service attack is to overload the targeted server’s bandwidth and other resources. This will make the server inaccessible to others, thereby blocking the website or whatever else is hosted there.


In most respects it is similar to a DoS attack but the results are much, much different. Instead of one computer and one internet connection the DDoS attack utilises many computers and many connections. The computers behind such an attack are often distributed around the whole world and will be part of what is known as a botnet. The main difference between a DDoS attack vs a DoS attack, therefore, is that the target server will be overload by hundreds or even thousands of requests in the case of the former as opposed to just one attacker in the case of the latter.

Therefore it is much, much harder for a server to withstand a DDoS attack as opposed to the simpler DoS incursion.


ARP poisoning is also known as ARP Spoofing, ARP Flooding and ARP Poisoning Routing. So what basically is ARP poisoning ? It is technique which allows an attacker sniffs traffic from Local Area Network (LAN), monitors it and even stop it. ARP poisoning is done by sending fake or spoofed messages to an Ethernet LAN card. By doing so an attacker manages to associate its MAC address with IP address of another node on network (which is basically default gateway IP). Then the traffic meant for gateway first goes to attacker and then to gateway thus allowing attacker to sniff traffic from network. To launch APR poisoning attack the attacker’s system must be connected in LAN if wired else it should be at least in range of wireless network. This is just a tutorial on ARP poisoning so we will discuss its anatomy someday later.

Read Full Tutorial @

Three Reasons Why PC-s Crash You Must Know...?

Fatal error: the system has become unstable or is busy," it says. "Enter to return to Windows or press Control-Alt-Delete to restart your computer. If you do this you will lose any unsaved information in all open applications."

You have just been struck by the Blue Screen of Death. Anyone who uses Microsoft Windows will be familiar with this. What can you do? More importantly, how can you prevent it happening?

1. Hardware conflict

The number one reason why Windows crashes is hardware conflict. Each hardware device communicates to other devices through an interrupt request channel (IRQ). These are supposed to be unique for each device.

For example, a printer usually connects internally on IRQ 7. The keyboard usually uses IRQ 1 and the floppy disk drive IRQ 6. Each device will try to hog a single IRQ for itself.

If there are a lot of devices, or if they are not installed properly, two of them may end up sharing the same IRQ number. When the user tries to use both devices at the same time, a crash can happen. The way to check if your computer has a hardware conflict is through the following route:

* Start-Settings-Control Panel-System-Device Manager.

Often if a device has a problem a yellow '!' appears next to its description in the Device Manager. Highlight Computer (in the Device Manager) and press Properties to see the IRQ numbers used by your computer. If the IRQ number appears twice, two devices may be using it.

Sometimes a device might share an IRQ with something described as 'IRQ holder for PCI steering'. This can be ignored. The best way to fix this problem is to remove the problem device and reinstall it.

Sometimes you may have to find more recent drivers on the internet to make the device function properly. A good resource
. If the device is a soundcard, or a modem, it can often be fixed by moving it to a different slot on the motherboard (be careful about opening your computer, as you may void the warranty).

When working inside a computer you should switch it off, unplug the mains lead and touch an unpainted metal surface to discharge any static electricity.

To be fair to Mcft, the problem with IRQ numbers is not of its making. It is a legacy problem going back to the first PC designs using the IBM 8086 chip. Initially there were only eight IRQs. Today there are 16 IRQs in a PC. It is easy to run out of them. There are plans to increase the number of IRQs in future designs.

2. Bad Ram

Ram (random-access memory) problems might bring on the blue screen of death with a message saying Fatal Exception Error. A fatal error indicates a serious hardware problem. Sometimes it may mean a part is damaged and will need replacing.

But a fatal error caused by Ram might be caused by a mismatch of chips. For example, mixing 70-nanosecond (70ns) Ram with 60ns Ram will usually force the computer to run all the Ram at the slower speed. This will often crash the machine if the Ram is overworked.

One way around this problem is to enter the BIOS settings and increase the wait state of the Ram. This can make it more stable. Another way to troubleshoot a suspected Ram problem is to rearrange the Ram chips on the motherboard, or take some of them out. Then try to repeat the circumstances that caused the crash. When handling Ram try not to touch the gold connections, as they can be easily damaged.

Parity error messages also refer to Ram. Modern Ram chips are either parity (ECC) or non parity (non-ECC). It is best not to mix the two types, as this can be a cause of trouble.

EMM386 error messages refer to memory problems but may not be connected to bad Ram. This may be due to free memory problems often linked to old Dos-based programmes.

3. BIOS settings

Every motherboard is supplied with a range of chipset settings that are decided in the factory. A common way to access these settings is to press the F2 or delete button during the first few seconds of a boot-up.

Once inside the BIOS, great care should be taken. It is a good idea to write down on a piece of paper all the settings that appear on the screen. That way, if you change something and the computer becomes more unstable, you will know what settings to revert to.

A common BIOS error concerns the CAS latency. This refers to the Ram. Older EDO (extended data out) Ram has a CAS latency of 3. Newer SDRam has a CAS latency of 2. Setting the wrong figure can cause the Ram to lock up and freeze the computer's display.

Microsoft Windows is better at allocating IRQ numbers than any BIOS. If possible set the IRQ numbers to Auto in the BIOS. This will allow Windows to allocate the IRQ numbers (make sure the BIOS setting for Plug and Play OS is switched to 'yes' to allow Windows to do this.).

Apple admits, ‘iPhone 5s Fingerprint Database To Be Shared With NSA’

Now-a-days, Apple is famous in the markets because its new iPhone 5S has a Fingerprint Sensor (Touch ID) as a security feature—everyone is getting amazed with that feature and eager to use.

That Fingerprint scanner has been hacked already by German Hackers group ‘CCC’ but one more thing to concern about that—’will Apple share that Fingerprint database with NSA’ and the answer is YES.

Tim Richardson, District Manager of Apple’s North America Marketing Department admits about the sharing of Database with NSA, he said to Jane M. Agni (A freelance writer in
Absolutely the databases will be merged. This whole ‘fingerprint scan’ idea originated from someone in our Government. They just didn't expect to be outed by Snowden, you know.”

NSA and FBI have been compiling a special database for over a year now to use with the new Apple technology. Fingerprints from all over the nation. Cold cases. Fugitives of the law. Missing persons, Richardson added.

When Mr. Richardson asked for a response to individual’s concerns about privacy, he told:
“Frankly, if a person is foolish enough to allow something as specific and criminally implicit as their fingerprints to be cataloged by faceless corporations and Government officials… Well, you can’t exactly blame us for capitalizing upon it, can you? Personally, I believe this effort will support a greater good. Some of the folks they’re hoping to apprehend are quite dangerous. Besides, it’s not like this is covered in the Constitution.”

If we talk about the constitution as Richardson added above, Apple and the NSA may be completely within their rights to use information volunteered by its customers but it is a Bitter Truth for some of the users.

One of the user told Jane—That’s not America and that’s not freedom…” but the user also stated, “I’m old. I’m not good at remembering passwords.” “I like the idea of easily being able to unlock my Apple device with a fingerprint. But I also shouldn’t have to worry about being tied to a string of murders I commuted in the 70′s…

Update: The Source (National Report) is said to be a Parody site and the news they published is a rumor, that’s why we want to inform to all the users, “This News is awaiting confirmation”

Android users can now lock their lost devices remotely

Google's Android Device Manager lets users remotely lock a lost or stolen device with a new password.

Worried about data from your lost Android phone or tablet getting into the wrong hands? You can now lock down your device remotely.

Released in August, Google's Android Device Manager is a handy service that allows you to see the location of a lost or stolen Android device. You can also remotely tell the device to ring as well as erase all of its data. Now, you can add one more feature to that list.

The latest update to Android Device Manager enables remote password locking. If you want to prevent others from accessing your missing device, you can send a new password to secure it.

The feature is easy enough to implement. On your Android device, open the Android Device Manager. Check the options to remotely locate your device and to allow remote lock and factory reset if not already checked.

Browse to the Android Device Manager Web site and scan for your device. You should see three options: "Ring," "Lock," and "Erase." To send a new lock code to your device, click on "Lock." Enter and confirm the new password and then click on the "Lock" button. Your device will display an alphanumeric keypad requiring someone to key in the new password to access the device.

I tried the process with my Galaxy 3, and it worked like a charm. I highly recommend it for any Android user, but especially for those of you who travel with your device and want to make sure your data is safe from prying eyes.

Hacker's Dictionary

Are you new to the realm of hacking?

Do you feel dumb when you don't know the meaning of a certain term?Well, then this will certainly help you out! This Dictionary Is Provided By Cyber elite. If you are ever unsure about anything, simply scroll down and find that specific word, then read the definition.

Anything includes: Abbreviations, Phrases, Words, and Techniques.*The list is in alphabetical order for convenience!*


★ DDoS = Distributed Denial of Service

★ DrDoS = Distributed Reflected Denial of Service Attack, uses a list of reflection servers or other methods such as DNS to spoof an attack to look like it's coming from multiple ips. Amplification of power in the attack COULD occur.

★ FTP =File Transfer Protocol. Used for transferring files over an FTP server.

★ FUD = Fully Undetectable

★ Hex =In computer science, hexadecimal refers to base-16 numbers. These are numbers that use digits in the range: 0123456789ABCDEF. In the C programming language (as well as Java, JavaScript, C++, and other places), hexadecimal numbers are prefixed by a 0x. In this manner, one can tell that the number 0x80 is equivalent to 128 decimal, not 80 decimal.

★ HTTP =Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. The foundation of data communication for the World Wide Web.

★ IRC = Internet Relay Chat. Transmiting text messages in real time between online users.

★ JDB =Java drive-by, a very commonly used web-based exploit which allows an attacker to download and execute malicious code locally on a slave's machine through a widely known java vulnerability.

★ Malware =Malicious Software

★ Nix = Unix based operating system, usually refered to here when refering to DoS'ing.

★ POP3 =This is the most popular protocol for picking up e-mail from a server.

★ R.A.T = Remote Administration Tool

★ SDB = Silent drive-by, using a zero day web-based exploit to hiddenly and un-detectably download and execute malicious code on a slave's system. (similar to a JDB however no notification or warning is given to the user)

★ SE = Social Engineering

★ Skid =Script Kid/Script Kiddie

★ SMTP =A TCP/IP protocol used in sending and receiving e-mail.

★ SQL =Structured Query Language. It's a programming language, that used to communicate with databases and DBMS. Can go along with a word after it, such as "SQL Injection."

★ SSH =Secure Shell, used to connect to Virtual Private Servers.

★ TCP = Transmission Control Protocol, creates connections and exchanges packets of data.

★ UDP =User Datagram Protocol, An alternative data transport to TCP used for DNS, Voice over IP, and file sharing.

★ VPN =Virtual Private Network

★ VPS =Virtual Private Server

★ XSS (CSS) = Cross Site Scripting


★Algorithm = A series of steps specifying which actions to take in which order.

★ANSI Bomb = ANSI.SYS key-remapping commands consist of cryptic-looking text that specifies, using ansi numeric codes to redefine keys.

★Back Door = Something a hacker leaves behind on a system in order to be able to get back in at a later time.

★Binary = A numbering system in which there are only two possible values for each digit: 0 and 1.

★Black Hat = A hacker who performs illegal actions to do with hacking online. (Bad guy, per se)

★Blue Hat =A blue hat hacker is someone outside computer security consulting firms who is used to bug test a system prior to its launch, looking for exploits so they can be closed. Microsoft also uses the term BlueHat to represent a series of security briefing events.

★Bot = A piece of malware that connects computer to an attacker commonly using the HTTP or IRC protocal to await malicous instructions.

★Botnet = Computers infected by worms or Trojans and taken over by hackers and brought into networks to send spam, more viruses, or launch denial of service attacks.

★Buffer Overflow = A classic exploit that sends more data than a programmer expects to receive. Buffer overflows are one of the most common programming errors, and the ones most likely to slip through quality assurance testing.

★Cracker = A specific type of hacker who decrypts passwords or breaks software copy protection schemes.

★DDoS = Distributed denial of service. Flooding someones connection with packets. Servers or web-hosted shells can send packets to a connection on a website usually from a booter.

★Deface =A website deface is an attack on a site that changes the appearance of the site or a certain webpage on the site.

★Dictionary Attack = A dictionary attack is an attack in which a cyber criminal can attempt to gain your account password. The attack uses a dictionary file, a simple list of possible passwords, and a program which fills them in. The program just fills in every single possible password on the list, untill it has found the correct one. Dictionary files usually contain the most common used passwords.

★DOX = Personal information about someone on the Internet usualy contains real name, address, phone number, SSN, credit card number, etc.

★E-Whore = A person who manipulates other people to believe that he/she is a beautiful girl doing cam shows or selling sexual pictures to make money.

★Encryption = In cryptography, encryption applies mathematical operations to data in order to render it incomprehensible. The only way to read the data is apply the reverse mathematical operations. In technical speak, encryption is applies mathematical algorithms with a key that converts plaintext to ciphertext. Only someone in possession of the key can decrypt the message.

★Exploit = A way of breaking into a system. An exploit takes advantage of a weakness in a system in order to hack it.

★FUD = Fully undetectable, can be used in many terms. Generally in combination with crypters, or when trying to infect someone.

★Grey Hat = A grey hat hacker is a combination of a Black Hat and a White Hat Hacker. A Grey Hat Hacker may surf the internet and hack into a computer system for the sole purpose of notifying the administrator that their system has been hacked, for example. Then they may offer to repair their system for a small fee.Hacker (definition is widely disputed among people...) = A hacker is someone who is able to manipulate the inner workings of computers, information, and technology to work in his/her favor.

★Hacktivist = A hacktivist is a hacker who utilizes technology to announce a social, ideological, religious, or political message. In general, most hacktivism involves website defacement or denial-of-service attacks.

★IP Address = On the Internet, your IP address is the unique number that others use to send you traffic.

★IP Grabber = A link that grabs someone's IP when they visit it.

★Keylogger = A software program that records all keystrokes on a computer's keyboard, used as a surveillance tool or covertly as spyware.Leach = A cultural term in the warez community referring to people who download lots of stuff but never give back to the community.

★LOIC/HOIC = Tool(s) used by many anonymous members to conduct DDoS attacks. It is not recommended to use these under any circumstances.

★Malware =Software designed to do all kinds of evil stuff like stealing identity information, running DDoS attacks, or soliciting money from the slave.

Neophyte = A neophyte, "n00b", or "newbie" is someone who is new to hacking or phreaking and has almost no knowledge or experience of the workings of technology, and hacking.

★smith = Somebody new to a forum/game.

★OldFag = Somebody who's been around a forum/game for a long time.

★Packet = Data that is sent across the Internet is broken up into packets, sent individually across the network, and reassembled back into the original data at the other end.

★Phreak =Phone Freaks. Hackers who hack cell phones for free calling. Free Long distance calling. Etc.

★Phreaking = The art and science of cracking the phone network.

★Proxy = A proxy is something that acts as a server, but when given requests from clients, acts itself as a client to the real servers.

★Rainbow Table = A rainbow table is a table of possible passwords and their hashes. It is way faster to crack a password using rainbow tables then using a dictionary attack (Bruteforce).

★Remote Administration Tool =A tool which is used to remotely control (an)other machine(s). These can be used for monitoring user actions, but often misused by cyber criminals as malware, to get their hands on valuable information, such as log in credentials.

★Resolver =Software created to get an IP address through IM (instant messenger, like Skype/MSN) programs.

★Reverse Engineering = A technique whereby the hacker attempts to discover secrets about a program. Often used by crackers, and in direct modifications to a process/application.

★Root = Highest permission level on a computer, able to modify anything on the system without restriction.

★Rootkit (ring3 ring0) =A powerful exploit used by malware to conceal all traces that it exists. Ring3 - Can be removed easily without booting in safemode. Ring0 - Very hard to remove and very rare in the wild, these can require you to format, it's very hard to remove certain ring0 rootkits without safemode.

★Script Kiddie = A script kid, or skid is a term used to describe those who use scripts created by others to hack computer systems and websites. Used as an insult, meaning that they know nothing about hacking.

★Shell = The common meaning here is a hacked web server with a DoS script uploaded to conduct DDoS attacks via a booter. OR A shell is an script-executing unit - Something you'd stick somewhere in order to execute commands of your choice.

★Social Engineer = Social engineering is a form of hacking that targets people's minds rather than their computers. A typical example is sending out snail mail marketing materials with the words "You may already have won" emblazoned across the outside of the letter. As you can see, social engineering is not unique to hackers; it's main practitioners are the marketing departments of corporations.

★Spoof = The word spoof generally means the act of forging your identity. More specifically, it refers to forging the sender's IP address (IP spoofing). (Spoofing an extension for a RAT to change it from .exe to .jpg, etc.)

★SQL Injection =An SQL injection is a method often used to hack SQL databases via a website, and gain admin control (sometimes) of the site. You can attack programs with SQLi too.

★Trojan = A Trojan is a type of malware that masquerades as a legitimate file or helpful program with the ultimate purpose of granting a hacker unauthorized access to a computer.

★VPS = The term is used for emphasizing that the virtual machine, although running in software on the same physical computer as other customers' virtual machines, is in many respects functionallyequivalent to a separate physical computer, is dedicated to the individual customer's needs, has the privacy of a separate physical computer, and can be configured to run server software.

★Warez = Software piracy

★White Hat = A "white hat" refers to an ethical hacker, or a computer security expert, who specializes in penetration testing and in other testing methods to ensure the security of a businesses information systems. (Good guy, per se)

★Worm = Software designed to spread malware with little to no human interaction.

Zero Day Exploit = An attack that exploits a previously unknown vulnerability in a computer application, meaning that the attack occurs on "day zero" of awareness of the vulnerability. This means that the developers have had zero days to address and patch the vulnerability.

Hope we helped the new learners..............

Friday 27 September 2013

Government to ban use of Gmail, Facebook and Yahoo for official purposes:-

After the spied by the NSA surveillance program on India, where NSA collected almost 13.5 billion of the
data , now Indian Government is looking forward to have a security rise over the country's officials work.
Yesterday, Central Government is working on the new policy on email use for official communication.
According to the new policy Central Government may banned from using Gmail, Yahoo or any other email
services that are based abroad to prevent transfer of data. The new draft of new policy recently have been
submitted by the government before the court. The court has been informed that the new policy would be
finalized within four weeks.
N. Govindacharya a leader of Bharatiya Janata Party , stats that, the use of the emails accounts whose server are outside the country and transfer of nation’s official data using this medium was violation of the Public Records Act. Sensitive data that were stored on the server of outside of the country and could be accessed by the foreign governments.
Viraag Gupta stated that, "Some of the Indian officials use Facebook, Yahoo, Gmail and other social networking sites for official communications instead of using the government server provided by the National Informatics Centre". Gupta also provided the copies of contact information as a proofs.
After this steps hope government officials use our own mail server provide by the NIC. Disscussion on this
issue was made earlier also.

Thursday 26 September 2013

12 interesting computer Facts

1)Over 6,000 new computer viruses are released every month.
2)The first computer mouse, constructed in 1964, was made out of wood.(by Doug Engelbart)
3)The average human being blinks 20 times a minute – but only 7 times a minute when using a computer.
4)The first electro-mechanical computer was developed in 1939.
5)By the end of 2012 there will be 17 billion devices connected to the internet.
6)5 out of every 6 internet pages are porn related.
7)Over 1 million domain names are registered every month.
8)With it’s 800 million interent users, Facebook would be the third largest country in the World.
9)The first hard drive was created in 1979 and could hold 5MB of data.
10)The nVidia GeForce 6800 Ultra video card contains 222 million transistors.
11)20% of online viruses are released by organized crime units.
12The engineers who developed the IBM PC were known as “The Dirty Dozen”

Tuesday 24 September 2013

This post is for everyone out there who actually want to become a true hacker

1) Never trust sites that ask you for money in return of Hacking Softwares or who claim to Hack Email Id?s in return of money. All such things are Scam . Nothing Works.

2) There is NO DIRECT SOFTWARE to Hack Facebook , Google , Yahoo or any other big website. All the softwares that claim to do so are scam. They are just meant to take your money and in worse cases, those softwares have trojans or keyloggers in them. As a result your account gets hacked trying to hack others.

3) NEVER EVER use the keyloggers or trojans you find as freeware on internet. Hackers are not fools. They compile keyloggers and trojans almost with any such software and when you install them , you are already hacked before even trying to hack others.

4) You are never going to be a good hacker without the knowledge of programming and scripting languages. When you are going to use only readymade software?s and would depend on them for hacking anything then your functionality would be limited up to the functionality of the software. When you are not going to use your brain, just doing the copy paste thing, then how can you even think of being a good hacker?

5) If you are a good Hacker, you already become a good programmer, a good script writer, a good web developer and an excellent security expert. Well any good Hacker will/should have good knowledge of various aspects and programming languages. to do XSS (Cross Site Scripting ) , PHP INJECTION , SQL INJECTION , PHISHING, FOOTPRINTING etc? you will have to be good at programming and scripting. And when you know the various loop holes, vulnerabilities and security tips, you already become a Computer Security Expert.

So Never Ever Under estimates the term Hacker. A Hacker Is Not a person who just hacks email id?s or servers but a True Hacker is a Computer Genius who the knowledge of computers more than anyone.

Cypersecurity pro on Nasdaq website: 'I needed 10 minutes to hack'

Ilia Kolochenko, head of Swiss information security company High-Tech Bridge, says he’s repeatedly warned that hackers could steal users’ browser history or confidential data, but claims the exchange has done nothing to fix the problem. 'It is quite frightening when you think about it,' he says.

One of America's most important stock exchanges is vulnerable to computer hackers who have the potential to gain full access to its website, a leading cybersecurity expert charges. — the website of the Nasdaq exchange — was tipped off by the expert three weeks ago that hackers could steal users’ browser history and cookies or perform phishing attacks to steal confidential data — but the financial market has done nothing to fix the problem, he contends.

Brazil plans to go offline from US-centric internet

Brazil plans to divorce itself from the US-centric internet over Washington’s widespread online spying, a move that many experts fear will be a potentially dangerous first step toward politically fracturing a global network built with minimal interference by governments.

President Dilma Rousseff has ordered a series of measures aimed at greater Brazilian online independence and security following revelations that the US National Security Agency intercepted her communications, hacked into the state-owned Petrobras oil company’s network and spied on Brazilians who entrusted their personal data to US tech companies such as Facebook and Google.

“The global backlash is only beginning and will get far more severe in coming months,” said Sascha Meinrath, director of the Open Technology Institute at the Washington-based New America Foundation think-tank. “This notion of national privacy sovereignty is going to be an increasingly salient issue around the globe.”

While Brazil isn’t proposing to bar its citizens from US-based Web services, it wants their data to be stored locally as the nation assumes greater control over Brazilians’ internet use to protect them from NSA snooping.Ms. Rousseff says she intends to push for new international rules on privacy and security in hardware and software during the UN General Assembly meeting later this month.

Most of Brazil’s global internet traffic passes through the United States, so Ms. Rousseff’s government plans to lay underwater fibber optic cable directly to Europe and also link to all South American nations to create what it hopes will be a network free of US eavesdropping.
Ms. Rousseff is urging Brazil’s Congress to compel Facebook, Google and other US companies to store all data generated by Brazilians on servers physically located inside Brazil in order to shield it from the NSA.

If that happens, and other nations follow suit, Silicon Valley’s bottom line could be hit by lost business and higher operating costs.

Brazil also plans to build more internet exchange points, places where vast amounts of data are relayed, in order to route Brazilians’ traffic away from potential interception.

International spies, not just from the United States, also will adjust, experts said. Laying cable to Europe won’t make Brazil safer, they say. The NSA has reportedly tapped into undersea telecoms cables for decades.

Mr. Meinrath and others argue that what’s needed instead are strong international laws that hold nations accountable for guaranteeing online privacy.

“There’s nothing viable that Brazil can really do to protect its citizenry without changing what the US is doing,” he said.

NSA purchased zero-day exploits from French security firm Vupen

The National Security Agency bought hacking tools from a security firm, based on documents unearthed by a FOI request.

The bombshell media leaks that exposed the U.S. National Security Agency's surveillance projects were easily one of the main stories of the year -- with international and political repercussions -- but now a Freedom of Information request has unearthed the additional purchase of hacking tools.

Ex-NSA contractor Edward Snowden is wanted by the U.S. government for leaking confidential documents to the media which exposed the agency's surveillance techniques used not only on American citizens, but allegedly other countries and their residents.

While Snowden is currently living in Russia under guard and silent, revelations continue to surface. One of the latest reports claims that the NSA is able to access data from Apple iPhones, BlackBerry devices, and phones that use Google's Android operating system. In addition, following document leaks which suggested the NSA was accessing email records, a number of companies offering secure email shut down, and in their place, encrypted mobile phone communication applications have risen.

A fresh report, brought on by a Freedom of Information (FOI) request by government transparency site MuckRock, shows that the NSA purchased data on zero-day vulnerabilities and the software to use them from French security company Vupen.

According to the documents, the NSA signed up to a one-year "binary analysis and exploits service" contract offered by Vupen last September.

Vupen describes itself as "the leading provider of defensive and offensive cyber security intelligence and advanced vulnerability research." In other words, the security firm finds flaws in software and systems and then sells this data on to governments.

In addition, Vupen offers offensive security solutions, including "extremely sophisticated and government grade zero-day exploits specifically designed for critical and offensive cyber operations."

Zero-day vulnerabilities are security flaws in systems discovered by researchers and cyberattackers which have not been found or patched by the vendor. These flaws can then be exploited to gain access to a system and its information, or the vulnerabilities can be sold on the black market. White-hat hackers may reveal the flaw to the vendor for free or as part of a 'bug bounty' program.

The finding isn't all that surprising, considering a report released in May previously claimed that the United States is the world's "biggest buyer" of malware.

Germany’s Chaos Computer Club (CCC) has managed to hack Apple’s Touch ID

Germany’s Chaos Computer Club (CCC) has managed to hack Apple’s Touch ID. What’s interesting about it is that the CCC’s biometrics hacking team used a method which they outlined in 2004, and which only requires materials that can be found in almost every household.

When the iPhone 5S was launched, Apple advertised Touch ID as being more secure than previous fingerprint technology. Some even offered a reward to anyone who managed to hack it.

However, the hackers claim that the only difference between Apple’s sensor and others is that it has a higher resolution. This means that the Touch ID can be cracked with the same basic process that has been used against the majority of other sensors.

The CCC simply photographed the fingerprint at a resolution of 2,400 dpi, and printed it onto a transparent sheet at 1,200 dpi. Then, pink latex was put on top of it to create the fingerprint impression. Finally, the latex sheet was removed and used to unlock the iPhone.

Watch Video Here :

Sunday 22 September 2013

10 hidden features of iOS 7

When Apple first took the veil off its new mobile operating system iOS 7 at this year’s WWDC and then again during the launch of the new iPhone's, it highlighted a number of new features. From a flatter look and updated camera features to all-new Control Center and Notifications Bar,This Post Has Been Posted by Cyber Elite. Apple showed what a radical departure its new OS is compared to its predecessor, the iOS 6.

While many of the 200 new features that Apple has introduced with iOS 7 are quite in-your-face and easy to find, there are a few that users may find difficult to locate easily. Here is a look at 10 such not-so-overt features of Apple’s new iOS 7 operating system.

=> Swipe to return

In iOS 6 and older versions, you had to press the Back button on top-left corner to return to the previous menu in most apps. With iOS 7, you can move one step back in most apps with just a swipe from the left to right.

=> Spotlight search

For six generations of iOS, Apple kept the Spotlight Search at the extreme left of the Home Screen, just beside the first app menu page. In iOS 7, however, you need to swipe down from the middle of the screen (not from top) in order to open Spotlight Search.

=> Better message view

When you used to type messages in iOS 6 and earlier versions, you could not scroll up to look at previously sent texts in the same thread. You were forced to hit the Send button in order to see previous messages.

However, this has been fixed with the new update, allowing you to move up and down the thread without the need of sending the message.

=> Unlimited apps in folders

If you are among those who download hundreds of apps in their iPads or iPhone's, then you cannot not have folders to manage them better and unclutter the home screen. While Apple allowed you to put a maximum of 16 apps in a folder until now, it has pulled out all stops with iOS 7, so the folders now support unlimited number of apps in a single folder.

=> Shake to undo

Accidentally deleted a mail? Want it back immediately? Just shake your iPhone or iPad to retrieve it from the annals of history. This also applies when you mistakenly archive a message. Of course, shake to undo also works on contacts, call logs, text messages etc.

=> Signal strength dots

If you have already updated your Apple device to iOS 7, one look at the Notification Bar will show you the network the device is working on, but it won’t show the bars that represent signal strength. Apple has replaced the age-old bars with five dots that appear on the top left side. The lesser the signal, the fewer the dots will be.

=> Better file management

Using a connected device usually means that you may be transferring a lot of data, whether it is photos, videos, contacts or documents. In iOS 7, all the data you receive from other devices will be sorted in their respective places. So new photos will go in Album and documents will be sent to iWork and so on.

=> Shared Links

Twitter users will be glad to see that viewing the websites that people they follow on the microblogging site share has become much easier with iOS 7. In the new operating system, Apple's Safari browser integrates your Twitter feed and lists all the links that people you are following post under the Shared Links tab, making it much easier to read the web pages.

=> Siri searches Twitter, Wikipedia and Bing

Apple’s digital voice assistant Siri, which recently shed the beta tag, will now also be able to search Microsoft's search engine Bing to find answers for your queries. In order to make searches more relevant, it will also scour Wikipedia and Twitter to get you the best possible results.

If Siri does not pronounce your name properly, you can even teach the software how to do so in iOS 7.

=> Find My iPhone gets new beefier

In case your iPhone is lost or stolen, you can not only wipe all data it contains off the device, but also make it harder for the unauthorized finder to sell it, or use it again. if you have actived Find My iPhone, it will now delete the data and ask you to enter your Apple ID and password to reactivate it. You cannot use the device unless the credentials last used on the phone are provided.

Download GTA V For PS3 Users

Today i am going to give you link to download GTA V For free of cost. This is the best version of GTA series with awesome graphics , storyline , a lot of new stuff.

Gta V not only comprises of one player but Three . Ya you can control 3 players to switch between.

Characteristics of the three players

1. Amidst the turmoil, three very different criminals plot their own chances of survival and success:

2. Franklin, a street hustler looking for real opportunities and serious money; Michael, a professional ex-con whose retirement is a lot less rosy than he hoped it would be;

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Note this version is only for PS3 users .

Installation instructions are included in game file

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Friday 20 September 2013

China-based hacking group behind hundreds of attacks on U.S. companies

A group of between 50 and 100 professional hackers operating out of China has been systematically targeting businesses, military and government agencies around the world since at least 2009, security vendor Symantec said in a report released on Tuesday. 

The group, called Hidden Lynx, is believed connected to the Operation Aurora espionage campaign of 2010 in which dozens of major companies, including Google and Microsoft, were targeted.

Read Full Story:

16k $ For the First Person to Hack iPhone 5S Fingerprint Sensor

One lucky cat has already gotten its paws on the iPhone 5S fingerprint sensor. But when the phone finally goes on sale Friday, another group is eager to get their hands on Apple's security feature. 
The computer security and hacking community is gearing up to crack Apple's Touch ID, the fingerprint sensor embedded in the iPhone 5S home button.

Two security experts Nick Depetrillo and Robert David Graham have launched, a site that tells people that the sensor hasn't been broken into yet. They have also started to collect a bounty for the first person to hack Touch ID by lifting prints from a beer mug or gummy bear or something else.

"Hackers had used gummy bears to lift fingerprint sensors a while back," Graham told ABC News. "We are arguing that it is a lot harder. We are all offering money, betting that it is going to be hard. We are betting that no one tomorrow is going to grab a gummy bear and get through tomorrow."

Now, people from the security and hacking community are contributing to that bounty by tweeting their addition to the sum of money with the hashtag #istouchidhackedyet. As of Thursday evening, $16,000 had been donated, which includes a combination of cash, bitcoins and bottles of alcohol. Venture capital firm I/O Capital Partners has thrown $10,000 into the pot.

Forget the iPhone 5S Hackers, Fear the Cats

"One of the principals in the security community is you can't trust something unless there is a bounty for it," Graham explained. The idea is that if there is no motivation to hack into something or test the security limits, many won't even bother trying or they certainly won't try hard. Facebook, Google and other companies have similar programs where they will pay users who pinpoint security loopholes.

Graham did clarify though that if a person did successfully hack Touch ID, that individual would have to go and collect the money from each person. He will continue to place the bounties on the website.

"This isn't Kickstarter," Graham said. "It's more like LOLstarter."

Apple did not immediately respond to ABC News' request for comment on the website and the plausibility of using lifted prints to get into the phone, but last week the company clarified that the prints are encrypted within the iPhone's processor.

Did you watch our new Video yet???

BlackBerry Messenger is coming to Android and iPhone this weekend

The BBM app will be available for devices running Android 4.0 and up, or iOS 6 and iOS 7. It will allow Android and iOS users to communicate with BlackBerry owners.

BlackBerry's popular BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) instant chat application will be available for Google's Android and Apple's iPhone this weekend, the company said.

Rumors about the app coming to Android and iPhone started in June. The app will be available for devices running Android 4.0 and up, or iOS 6 and iOS 7. It will allow Android and iOS users to communicate with BlackBerry owners.

BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) is a proprietary Internet-based instant messenger and videotelephony application included on BlackBerry devices that allows messaging (and videocalls for BlackBerry 10 smartphones) between BlackBerry users. BBM currently has more than 60 million monthly active customers on BlackBerry alone, and the overwhelming majority use BBM an average of 90 minutes per day.

The news comes in the wake of other rumors that Blackberry could fire 40% of its staff. This comes at a time that the company is suffering heavy losses from its failed PlayBook tablet and a fading popularity in the smartphone market.

BBM for Android and iPhone features:

BBM Chat – Enjoy real, immediate conversations with friends on Android, iPhone and BlackBerry smartphones. Not only does BBM let you know that your message has been delivered and read, it also shows you that your friend is responding to the message.

More than chat – With BBM you can share files on your phone such as photos and voice notes, all in an instant.

Keep your group in the loop – Multi-person chats are a great way to invite contacts to chat together. BBM Groups lets you invite up to 30 friends to chat together, and go a step further than multi-chat by sharing photos and schedules. And, with Broadcast Message, you can send a message out to all your BBM contacts at once.

Post Updates and stay in the know – BBM lets you post a personal message, profile picture and your current status, and lets your contacts know instantly in Updates.

Your unique PIN – Every BBM user has a unique PIN that maintains your privacy, so you don’t have to give out your phone number or email address to a new or casual contact.

Availability: BBM will be available as a free download for Android smartphones running Ice Cream Sandwich and Jelly Bean (Android 4.x) beginning at 7AM EDT on September 21. BBM for iPhones running iOS 6 and iOS 7 will become available for each market on the App Store schedule of 12:01 AM local time on September 22.

You can download the app from the BBM website:

Microsoft : Internet Explorer 11 30% Faster than Any Other Browser on Windows 7.

Microsoft has just launched Internet Explorer 11 Release Preview for Windows 7, so it’s no surprise that the company has already started a media campaign to promote the browser.

Detail :

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Anonymous hacks SEA website and dumps data

After claims that Syrian regime used chemical weapons on its own population, Anonymous struck, revealing personal information of key members within the Syrian Electronic Army. 

As the United States and other world powers continue to debate a possible military intervention in Syria, the hacker collective Anonymous has gone ahead with its own intervention, taking on its Syrian counterpart — the Syrian Electronic Army.

It's a shadow war happening online between two amorphous, grassroots groups. And Anonymous dealt the first blow.

Last week, Anons began releasing data they stole in April after infiltrating a server used by the Syrian Electronic Army. Over the weekend, someone began dumping it all on the so-called "deep web," a portion of the internet that isn't accessible by traditional browsers or search engines.

432 Million Internet Pirates Transfer 9,567 Petabytes of Data a Month

A new study commissioned by NBC Universal shows that piracy worldwide is on the rise. The report estimates that in January of this year 432 million people used the Internet to access copyright infringing material. The total bandwidth consumed by these unauthorized transfers equaled 9,567 petabytes per month in 2012, most of which was transferred through BitTorrent. In total, the report attributes nearly a quarter of all Internet traffic to piracy.

This morning the Piracy Analysis team at NetNames released a comprehensive report on the scope of online piracy.

Titled “Sizing the Piracy Universe,” the NBC Universal commissioned study maps the volume and prevalence of online piracy throughout the world.

The overall conclusion of the report is that, despite various anti-piracy policies and enforcement actions, piracy is hard to stop.

“The practice of infringement is tenacious and persistent. Despite some discrete instances of success in limiting infringement, the piracy universe not only persists in attracting more users year on year but hungrily consumes increasing amounts of bandwidth,” NetNames writes.

NetNames uses in-house research and several third-party resources to draw its conclusions. The report estimates the number of copyright infringers on the Internet, the amount of data these people share across various platforms, and signals various trends.

One of the most visible trends is that direct download “cyberlockers” have lost many visitors since late 2011, while other platforms expanded their user bases.

The number of pirates using cyberlockers dropped by 8% between November 2011 and January 2013, which the report attributes to the Megaupload shutdown. At the same time, the number of pirates using BitTorrent and video streaming platforms increased by 27% and 22% respectively.

In total, the number of people downloading or streaming unauthorized content via the Internet increased more than 3%.

As can be seen in the table below, most pirates use direct download and torrent sites, both with slightly above 200 million unique users a month. NetNames excluded users who never download any infringing content, which they estimates at 4% for BitTorrent and 8% for direct download sites.

Based on data from Cisco, NetNames also estimates the total bandwidth generated by Internet pirates in Europe, North America and Asia-Pacific. In these key regions Internet piracy accounted for 9,567 petabytes of data, meaning that global traffic well exceeds 10,000 petabytes.

In terms of bandwidth BitTorrent is the absolute leader, which makes sense since users both download and upload files, generating twice as much traffic.

In 2012 unauthorized BitTorrent traffic accounted for 6,692 petabytes a month in these three regions, an increase of 244.9% compared to 2010. Users of “pirate” video streaming portals transferred 1,527 petabytes of data in 2012, an increase of 471.9% from 2010.

Pirates who used cyberlockers downloaded relatively little content, 338 petabytes of data per month in 2012, down 54.7% compared to 2010. In total, the report estimates that nearly a quarter of all Internet traffic is piracy related.

The report also observes several regional trends. For example, direct download sites are the preferred download service in the Asia-Pacific region, while BitTorrent is most used in Europe and North America.

Overall, NetNames’ research provides a unique overview of the scope of online piracy. Without a doubt, the MPAA and other anti-piracy forces will leave no opportunity unused to turn it to their advantage. 

Hackers can easily hijack your eBay account in just 1 Minute

According to Paul Moore (IT consultant and tech enthusiast ) was able to found a Major XSRF or Cross Site Request Forgery exploit which allow a hacker to hijack eBay account and can use it for bidding illegally.

Paul found the vulnerability in page which users use to update their profile and that’s because the field which links it to the user’s active cookie is missing.
This allows a hacker to submit the form with pre-populated data which doesn’t affect the user password directly but can indirectly as it allows a hacker to change the information that is used to reset the password.

After this attacker simply needs to submit his own phone number and postal code- the information needed at the time of resetting the password.

Now the main phenomenon starts, after the submission of phone number, postal code- eBay gives an option to confirm that you really owned the account in which it sends the four-digit confirmation code to phone number instead of an email address, it uses that phone number which Paul had entered earlier, Now your account got hacked by a hacker easily in only 1 minute.

From a Hacked eBay account:

The hacker can now place orders without needing to know your PayPal username or password.
The hacker can’t steal funds directly from your PayPal account (or associated bank account), but they can start bidding/buying on your behalf. Before you know it..
The hacker can put a fictitious item up for sale (with a “Buy It Now” price) and bid for it from the victim’s account.

According to Paul, the main cause of vulnerability- on eBay you may login over SSL, but subsequent pages are delivered over HTTP. That is not secure.

Paul reported this vulnerability to eBay on August 5, officials responded him and promised to address the issue.

However, 43 days later, the flaw is still present. The expert told Softpedia that he checked the website once again.

On September 2, Moore attempted to get a status update, but eBay representatives informed him that they didn’t provide updates until the vulnerability was repaired.