Wednesday 23 October 2013

Google Malaysia hacked “Team Madleets”

Google’s Malaysian website came under a hacking attack from a Pakistani group named as Team “Madleets”.Well, i am actually thinking that if sites like google are not able to get rid of these attacks then what about our personal websites? OMG!

Google Malaysia remained offline for several hours on Thursday because of an attack on the DNS records of the Google’s website, what they actually did was that they changed the DNS records of Google Malaysia to the server’s controlled by Madleets.

Madleets group wrote a message on their Facebook page that mentioned:

We feel we need to alert anyone, that we don’t hack any country tlds for example as a result of any kind of hate, We don’t hate anyone, We love all humanity, there is no obvious reason for stamping the tlds.

Least the reason is not any kind of hate.

Whatever the reason is we can’t explain except we love all of you.


The page information stated that “MadLeets is a Ethical and 1337 White Hat Hackers Community. We are Anti Hackers , we teach how to protect yourself from getting hacked.”

The link with in the source code was edited with an inclusion of a web address that takes to a music video and the most amazing thing to note is that music keeps playing automatically till the visitor stays on the website!

There seems to be not much reason behind it, only to prove that security is just an illusion. It does not exist. 

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